Open Justice Prerequisites: ICT Use and acceptance in The Greek Justice System


  • Athanasios Deligiannis OGP IRM for Greece (Openwise) / department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.


[extract] The Greek Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (MoJTHR) has committed itself through the country’s third Open Government Partnership Action Plan to significantly improve access to court data and documents. A necessary prior step in achieving this is the adoption, acceptance and use by judges and court clerks of a new Integrated Civil and Criminal Court Case Management System (OSDDY), the first such ICT system to be introduced in Greece. The study presents the usage patterns for judges and clerks of current ICT in courts as well as user intent to work with the new OSDDY system. The results also highlight the sample’s perceived benefits and risks of using the new ICT system. 

Biographie de l'auteur

Athanasios Deligiannis, OGP IRM for Greece (Openwise) / department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.

OGP IRM for Greece (Openwise) / department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.



Comment citer

Deligiannis, A. (2017). Open Justice Prerequisites: ICT Use and acceptance in The Greek Justice System. Revue Internationale De Droit Des données Et Du numérique, 3, 69–78. Consulté à l’adresse[]=183
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