Digital public administration as expansion and redemption of citizen participation - The Brazilian system
Mots-clés :
Citizen participation, BrazilRésumé
With the emergence of what is called 4.0 Revolution, with the technology advance, in the actual social, economic and ideological contexts all marked by relations and communications mediated by technology, there is no way for the Public Administration’s future then using the same technology.The Administration must get adapted to the technological reality in order to rescue the democratic participation of the collectivity especially from new generations.
Technology can contribute to the dialogue between Government and the collectivity, in order to enhance democratic participation, from distinct people, moving away from merely formal democracy centered on the famous binary “yes” or “no”.
In view of a dialogical and democratic Public Administration, more opened to the citizens and to their participation, the use of technology, as a form of open and dialogical government it is one way to achieve good public governance with expansion and redemption of citizen participation.
The brazilian system named “” is an example of an initial project of interactive digital system of open government that allows change of data with all federal organs and with these and other federated organs and, the most important, with the citizens.
Comment citer
BOURGES, F. (2020). Digital public administration as expansion and redemption of citizen participation - The Brazilian system Revue Internationale Des Gouvernements Ouverts, 9, 149–164. Consulté à l’adresse[]=334